Jumat, 25 Mei 2018


HexCash a management system for decentralized cryptography funds, where your funds grow under your control. HexCash reduces the gap in broken reliability between investors and fund management programs.


a smart token remuneration system based on a smart contract that will reward investors by holding their hex tokens in a public blockbuster. This program is fully controlled by BL blockchainchain technology, there is no human operation in this system. Because of this, this is the safest fund management system.

Reference Program Anyone can get free HEXCASH by directing others to invest in HEXCASH. The current referral bonus is 7% of the total number of referrals. If you have a large network and you are looking for a special rate, please contact us with your offer.
Double investment return Investors who invest in ICO in HEXCASH will receive 200% of their investment during the first 3 months of HEXCASH.

Trade HEXCASH develops decentralized internal exchange and is ready to pair with other Alt coins. HEXCASH's trade in other domestic and foreign exchange markets will benefit all investors.

  • HODL Program

What is HexHODL?

HexHODL is an intelligent contract-based fund management system. Therefore there is very high security and almost zero chance of fraud. Every transaction will be public. This is the first system based on blockchain ethereum. Even holding HexCash comes with benefits. With constant market fluctuations, we run a parallel BOT Trade Function with the funds you invest in our platform. With more than 100 coins and more than 10 exchanges, HexCore can carry thousands of NPPs / sec which are further classified in real time to 10 degrees of separation.
  • token sale

HexCash ICO tokens will be released on non-contracted crowdsale to support other currencies that will help you to take advantage of your available cryptocurrency such as BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP etc.
  • Initial Sales & Sales Crowd
pre-Sale will begin on May 5, 2018. It will last for 7 days and the price will be $ 0.25 per HEX token. During Pre Sale investors can buy HEX tokens at the minimum price and take advantage of the initial phase of the investment. After Pre-Sale there will be 6 rounds for Crowd Sale. Each round will live for 5 days. During the price of the Crowd Sale will be $ 0.50 to $ 1.00 until the end of the ICO. This is the ICO schedule.
  • HEXCASH token

Additional 3% Bonus Upon 4-Week Settlement
5% Additional Bonus After 8-Week Completion
7% Additional Bonus After 12-Week Completion
10% Additional Bonus Upon Completion of Week 21
After Completion 21 weeks there will be an additional 2% Bonus every week for all investors.
  • Developer Team
Our creations team has been in this business for many years. We have spent quite a bit of our own time and money improving our site, both front and back and our user interface to make sure we provide you with an easy token to use sustainable products that will be here for the long term. We are more than aware of fraud, BS, and possible attack attempts on our site. Our Developer Team for HEXCASH is a professional in this field and has been in the industry for years, so we know how to solve this and still provide products that work for our clients.
  • Roadmap
Des - 17 HEXCASH Product Concept & Design Planning

Jan - 18 HEXCASH ICO Design & Development & Planning

Jan - 18 Development of Smartcontract for HEX Token

Feb - 18 White Books HEXCASH

Feb -18 HEXCASH Ecosystem Development

Mar - 18 Development of Internal Exchange For HEXCASH

Apr - 18 HEXCASH Branding & Marketing

May - 18 Launch of HEXCASH Pre Sale & ICO

Jun - 18 Launch of HEXCASH Pre Sale & ICO

Jul - 18 Launch of Internal Exchange

August - 18 HEXCASH Launch on External Exchange

Sep - 18 Launch of Mobile App for HEXCASH

For more info, follow these links:

author: damar

ETH: 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Project Overview Faxport details are potential and attractive

 Image result for faxport bounty

Hello everyone, especially ICO marketers, today I would like to introduce to you the Faxport project, a smart project, based on the global sports business platform. sports trade, so I wrote a detailed review of this exciting project.

What is Faxport Faxport is a global based business platform based on blockchain and strives to address the growing challenges of global sporting faces in the marketplace. It aims to promote positive interaction in the global sports trading market by connecting directly with participants, service providers and consumers through a well-defined blockchain network. right.

Through the application of positive incentive and dispute resolution mechanisms, it aims to increase user retention on the platform. Faxport seeks to build a commercially viable sports ecosystem based on credibility, security and motivation, as well as convenient and no commissions.

  • Faxport deposit

Faxport wants to address this challenge as well as develop the sports and trading industry as a whole by rebuilding trust relationships, building a global communications network platform that connects athletes, while accelerating the development of global sport. Faxport will also reduce economic costs and optimize the allocation of resources in sports through the use of artificial intelligence agreements that allow participants to examine the identity and information of a party. Another easy way to make transactions and communications on the Faxport platform.
  • Faxport achievement
One of the major achievements in sports can be attributed to Faxport is the fact that it enhances and enhances the degree of digitization in the sports trading market and provides for greater structure and informatization.

Faxport has an active partnership in China with Kuaitiyu, which is jointly involved in handling the largest commercial sports database in China. He also plans to form partnerships with renowned Japanese HR service providers; This will lead to project implementation in the Japanese market by 2018.

The Fax Signaling Code (FAS) is based on the Ethereum ERC20 standard. In addition to being used in business, FAS can be used to purchase FX credit in Faxport, which allows the purchase of additional services on the platform. FAS scores are expected to increase with increasing number of users and platform customers. The total supply of FAS provides a total of 200 million and the token pre-sale price is 1 ETH for 3,764.00 FAS.

This is a decentralized sports platform that uses community voting and smart contracts to help investors or enthusiasts participate in sponsoring projects that are not well developed due to lack of funds. .

Conclusion: I have great expectations for the Faxport project, they have high-level teams, project teams, great ideas. I feel this project is very potential and interesting, for me this project is expected, I want to share this project to everyone. Good project !!

for more information :

Website: https://faxport.io/?utm_source=BCT
Whitepaper: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.faxport.io/static/de3db62f/other/Faxport%20Whitepaper%20EN.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/Faxportglobal/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Faxport_EN/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Faxport_Global-150461205635116/

Author : damar
profilelink : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1764605
ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Rabu, 23 Mei 2018


gambar (5) .jpg

PAYERA basiert auf dem erfolgreichsten und bekanntesten E-Commerce-Konzept Asiens, ist aber wesentlich einfacher zu handhaben. In Kombination mit SHOP & CARDERA bieten wir multifunktionale Lösungen, die es auf dem Kryptomarkt in dieser Form noch nicht gibt.

  • Über PAYERA

Der Markt für Kryptowährung ist der dynamischste unserer Zeit. Digitale Währungen verwenden öffentliche Buchhaltungssysteme, um Transaktionen zu verfolgen.

Wir glauben, dass die Zukunft des gegenwärtigen Finanzsystems von der Entwicklung der Blockchain-Technologie und der Reaktion der Gemeinschaft abhängen wird. Blockchain kann und wird aus unserer Sicht zu einer wirklich starken und positiven Finanzsystementwicklung eingesetzt.

Seit einiger Zeit beschäftigt sich unser Team intensiv mit Blockchain- und Kryptowährungstechnologien. Wir fanden heraus, dass Menschen aufgrund der starken Volatilität und der hohen Anonymität eher mit Kryptowährung als mit Münzen als Währung spekulieren.

Deshalb kommt PAYERA auf die Idee, Cryptocurces fröhlich zu nutzen. Wir schaffen eine sichere, multifunktionale Plattform, die einfach zu bedienen ist.

Nach dem ersten Entwurf, nach einer kurzen Präsentation, gewinnen wir interessierte Partner und Berater und bauen systematisch unser Team auf.

Bei unserer Hauptproduktoptimierung bis ins kleinste Detail ist etwas Außergewöhnliches entstanden: das All-in-One-Konzept, mit dem wir flexibler am Markt agieren können.

  • Zusammenfassung

Wir analysieren die gängigste Fiat-Zahlungsschutzplattform, kombinieren sie mit den innovativen Funktionen von Blockchain und integrieren unseren einzigartigen PERA-Token.

PAYERA: Eine Zahlungsplattform mit Wallet und Exchange, mit der Unternehmen und Privatpersonen Kryptowährung einkaufen können.

Käufer haben die Möglichkeit, Verkäufer mit ihrer bevorzugten Kryptowährung zu bezahlen, während sie vollen Käuferschutz genießen.

ABSTRACT Wir analysieren die beliebteste Zahlungsschutzplattform von Fiat, kombinieren sie mit den innovativen Funktionen von Blockchain und integrieren unseren einzigartigen PERA-Token. Verkäufer können optional einen Kaufbetrag in der Fiat-Währung oder in der gewünschten Kryptowährung akzeptieren, die in Wallet aufgeführt ist.

PAYERA Amal: Von den erhaltenen Gebühren geht der Prozentsatz direkt in den Spendentopf, der zu gleichen Teilen auf den Kontinent verteilt wird. Nach Erreichen des erwarteten Spendenziels fliegt unser Stiftungsteam unabhängig von Religion oder Nationalität in das bedürftige Gebiet. Je nach Situation wird Unterstützung in Form von Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung des Schulbesuchs wie Schulbau, Bereitstellung von Lernmaterialien und Bau von Wasserbrunnen gewährt. Als PAYERA-Nutzer sind Sie auch aktiv an dieser Hilfsorganisation beteiligt.

SHOPERA: Eine einfach zu bedienende Online-Shop-Plattform. Händler und Privatpersonen haben die Möglichkeit, neue und gebrauchte Waren zu verkaufen. Wir analysieren die beliebtesten Online-Shop-Portale und konzentrieren uns auf die bequemsten Provider-Funktionen, da wir sicherstellen möchten, dass SHOPERA einfach zu bedienen ist und Sie die beste Benutzererfahrung genießen.

CARDERA: Ihre kompatible tägliche Krypto-Zahlungskarte gibt Ihnen mehr Flexibilität. Diese Karte verbindet sich mit Ihrer PAYERA Wallet, mit der Sie wie gewohnt einkaufen oder Geld von der Maschine abheben und Ihre Münze verwenden können.


Cryptowährung hat bis heute viele Dinge durchgemacht. Zu der Zeit war es "Spielgeld" für Spieler, heute ist es eines der anderen spekulativen Objekte. Viele Benutzer handeln an verschiedenen Tauschbörsen, um Gewinne zu erzielen. Obwohl die Blockchain-Technologie ein enormes Potenzial und viele Vorteile gegenüber den derzeitigen Zahlungssystemen aufweist, akzeptieren viele Händler Bitcoin & Co aus den oben genannten Gründen nicht als Zahlungsmittel.

Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass sowohl in Bezug auf die Technologie als auch auf die Marktstatistiken das schnelle Wachstum in der Blockchain-Industrie und der Einsatz von intelligenten Verträgen in den kommenden Jahren unvermeidbar sein wird. Banken, Händler, Versicherungen und alle anderen betroffenen Unternehmen müssen ihre traditionellen und veralteten Geschäftsmodelle anpassen. Seit die Blockchain-Industrie ihre Post-Launch-Phase erreicht hat, ist die Welt reif genug für leistungsstarke Produkte wie PAYERA.

  • Probleme

Trotz der vielen Vorteile der Blockchain-Technologie, wie sehr schnelle Transaktionen, niedrige Kosten und hohe Flexibilität, wird Krypto-Währung nur ein wenig als Zahlungsmittel verwendet. Käufer und Verkäufer sind mit schwankenden Preisen und komplexen Anwendungen nicht zufrieden. Aus diesem Grund verwenden Unternehmen immer noch traditionelle Fiat-Zahlungssysteme, die zu Banken und Finanzinstituten führen. Der Käufer möchte eine Sicherheitstransaktion mit Kryptowährung, bei der der Handel geschützt ist und im Falle unzuverlässiger Kosten Erstattungskonflikte auftreten. Verkäufer suchen nach mehr Umsatz und wollen sich in Crypto bauen. Deshalb haben wir uns Ziele gesetzt, eine Vertrauensbasis zwischen Käufern und Verkäufern zu schaffen.

  • Lösung

PAYERA bietet eine einfache Multi-Funktions-Lösung für Benutzer und Verkäufer von Krypto. Wir werden eine neue Ära bei Krypto Payment Gateway mit PAY / SHOP und CARDERA einläuten.

  • Käufer
Käufer sind vor Betrug geschützt, indem sie einen vollständigen Käuferschutz für alle Transaktionen von PAYERA bieten. Dieser Schutz umfasst nicht nur konventionelle Güter, sondern auch Dienstleistungen. Darüber hinaus haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine kostenlose interne Wallet-Transaktion zu erstellen.
Verkäufer haben die perfekte Gelegenheit, im Kryptomarkt Fuß zu fassen und ihren eigenen Umsatz zu steigern. Wir bieten vollständigen Schutz vor Volatilität im Kryptomarkt durch Zahlung eines optionalen Kaufbetrags in Fiat-Währung oder gewünschten Münzen. Darüber hinaus sind die PAYERA-Kosten im Vergleich zu anderen Systemen niedriger und die Wartezeiten kürzer. Verkäufer haben außerdem die Möglichkeit, eine interne Wallet-Transaktion kostenlos zu erstellen.
  • Unterstützung
Zur Unterstützung werden PERA-Tokens eine sehr wichtige Rolle bei zukünftigen Krypto-Zahlungen spielen. PERA wird keine reine Spekulationsmünze sein. Unsere Unterstützer finanzieren reale Geschäftsmodelle, die über reine Spekulation hinausgehen. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass unsere Token auch auf anderen Plattformen etabliert werden.

ICO (Initial Coin Angebot)
  • PERE Zeichen
  • Preis PREICO 1 PERA = 0,035 USD
  • Preis 1 PERA = 0,05 USD
  • Plattform Äther
  • Akzeptieren von ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH
  • Weiche Kappe 8.000.000 USD
  • Harte Kappe 60 Millionen USD
  • Land Singapur
  • Weiße Liste / KYC KYC
ICO ist eine Methode der Unternehmensfinanzierung. Das sogenannte "Early Coin Bid" ist teilweise vergleichbar mit der Erstemission von Wertpapieren an der Börse. ICO ist eine Möglichkeit, Tokens für Projekte im Blockchain-Ökosystem durch Crowdfunding zu erhalten. Unterstützer und Investoren kaufen Projektmarker und können Listen mit Token handeln, die auf verschiedenen Plattformen erworben wurden.



für weitere Informationen:

Télégramme: https://t.me/payera
Autor: damar
ETH: 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Quadrant Protocol


The Quadrant Protocol is a block-based that allows access, distribution, and creation of data and product services with legitimacy and origin in its base. Economic info equals space, chaotic and uncharted. Quadrant Protocol functions as a blueprint that provides systems designed for the use of decentralized information.

  • about the Quadrant Protocol

A large amount of real data is needed to strengthen the current algorithm, although the current data economy is full of problems. There is more space between them by getting and storing their own info and what not. This unassigned info does reach legitimacy that is often discontinuous and questionable - the kind of info that creates poor results when fed to the algorithm Part of the fact why info lacks legitimacy because the sender is not given the proper incentives, a fair allocation of income does not exist for info vendors and manufacturers, without a healthy and clear info economy, the demand for real improved info will not be met.

The Quadrant Protocol aims to resolve this issue by offering a different source info blueprint mapping. This will support evidence of legitimacy and origin of info through mapping information, constellations for different info sources, and a clean incentive and remuneration division. Data users can rely on the validity of data they purchase; Nurseries (info producers) are well compensated whenever their info is applied and data vendors have an incentive to develop innovative constellations. This clear new system ensures that companies get the real data they need.

When the Protocol Quadrant has great power to impact is its ability to provide ELON (the most intelligent data brain) to find the relationship between constellations and moves, creating a mega constellation that data users can apply to solve real world problems. This is where the Quadrant Protocol differentiates itself from all opponents.

Quadrant protocols are designed to work with decentralized and centralized services. This framework consists of a customer base of Quadrant Protocol blocks and a Guardian node. The Quadrant protocol will manage on proof of the consensus control device so it can manage more transactions, manage by reducing gas costs, accessing transactions faster, and restricting malicious nodes from putting info onto the platform. External evidence of the work chain will be applied as an anchor for safety purposes. For this period, the ETH block will be applied to the holder but can be changed by any open chain in the next if necessary.

Quadrant Protocol will use 2 different tokens for its platform. EQUAD and QUAD, QUAD is a utility token developed for lonely applications on the platform. This will apply to mapping data, supporting easy and complicated reach systems, easy and complicated subscription payouts, and for staking by the mind of the smartest data. EQUAD is a token based on ERC: 20 that will be sold during coin-making time. This may be transferred to QUAD via a gateway when the main Quadrant Protocol network is launched.

The show has a hard stamp of $ 20,000,000. If the token generation event raises more than $ 7,000,000, the remaining tokens will be locked initially and developed to be transferable within 4 years, with more than 40 percent successful at closing EQUAD sales and the remaining 60 percent being spent annually for use against the goods company at a fixed cost of 15 percent. This is intended to ensure the long-term success of the Quadrant Protocol when inculcating practically to ensure there is no excessive spending in the first few years.

One billion EQUAD tokens will be created during the even token generation. Token will be allocated as follows, 20% for Stakeholders, 40% for sales crowd, 10% for Reserves, 20% for holding by the Company, and 10% for Team.

The platform is described as a supported network block system that allows companies to create service allocations and info items with legitimacy and provenan on the basis. It is conceivable to perform as a blueprint that provides a system developed for the utilization of decentralized info. Quadrant Protocol maps different sources of info so that new and innovative info items can potentially create to help companies meet their data requirements.

Token Details:
  • Ticker: EQUAD
  • Token Type: ERC: 20
  • ICO Token Price: One EQUAD = $ 0.0500
  • Fundraising Purpose: $ 20,000,000
  • Available for Token Sales: 40%
  • Total Token: 1,000,000,000
  • KYC investors: Yes
  • Bounty: No
  • Soft cap: $ 3,000,000
  • Air drop program: No
  • Whitelist investor: yes
  • Whitepaper: Open
  • Platform: ETH
  • Accept: ETH
  • Location: Singapore

Author : damar
ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Modern Financial Chain

Image result for modern finance

Modern Financial Chains Allow Cryptocurrency To Be Used as Payments in E-Commerce Platforms Global e-commerce sales continue to increase over the years. By 2017, e-commerce sales are worth $ 2.2 trillion and it's safe to say that it has not reached the top. Credit cards are the most common payment method on various e-commerce platforms. While this is one of the most convenient payment methods, it's no secret that the cost of shopping transactions using credit cards is very high. Those who have used cryptocurrency as a payment method should know that digital coins are as comfortable as credit cards, but transaction costs are much lower.

Embarrassing cryptocurrency is not a common method of payment in the e-commerce platform. This is the reason why MF Chain was developed. MF Chain aspires to make the e-commerce shopping experience better by being a bridge between cryptocurrency and e-commerce.
  • What is MF Chain and What Can It Do?
The MF chain is a common blockchain and platform that allows cryptocurrency to be used as a payment method on an e-commerce site. MF Chain is not the first platform that aims to integrate cryptocurrency and online shopping. However, MF Chain has more interesting points because users can use a single platform to shop from various merchants using any cryptocurrency. This is an improvement compared to previous similar platforms that only allow one particular digital currency in one e-commerce site.

The ICO Pre-ICO details will begin in May 2018 while the ICO is in June 2018. To ensure the contributors that the funds they are contributing will be used accordingly, the ICO uses a multi-signature escrow. Using this method, the funds raised will be locked during ICO. As a result, developers will not be able to touch or use funds from contributors until a certain accomplishment is achieved. The rest of the ICO details are as follows:

Token Name: MFX
Total Supply: 521,000,000 MFX
Sold: 301 million MFX
Fixed Rate: 1 ETH = 10,150 MFX (Pre-ICO) / 8500 MFX (ICO)
Soft Cap: 2,500 ETH
Hard Cap: 33,000 ETH

Conclusion Many people talk about mass adoption of cryptocurrency. No matter how popular cryptocurrency, mass adoption can hardly be realized if it is not used for something practical, like shopping on an e-commerce platform. The fact that MF Chain helps lower transaction costs in e-commerce platforms will not only benefit consumers but also make the use of cryptocurrency for everyday transactions to be more important.

for more :

Website: http://mfchain.com/
Whitepaper: https://mfchain.com/wp/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ModernChain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MFChain/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MFChain/
Medium: https://medium.com/@mfchain
Telegram: https://t.me/modernchain
MILLION Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3264121.0

author: damar
profilelink: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1764605

ETH: 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

VOLT P2P Delivery Platform based on Blockchain.


VOLT is a platform that allows to decentralize central platforms such as Uber and enable direct provision via P2P. Uber and other models play the role of Central Supervision as an intermediary and receive a fee of 20% or more. Direct P2P VOLT transaction model is an efficient model designed to reduce brokerage costs by reducing or even eliminating direct costs to customers and operators less than 5%.

The existing deployment model is a centralized model with a system called Hub & Spoke. This centralized model, including DHL, has dominated the global delivery market. However, the centralized model can not meet delivery requirements on the same day. VOLT is a blockchain-based P2P delivery model that overcomes the same delivery restrictions over existing models.

  • Decentralization
VOLT is a decentralized platform. There is no intermediary or agent, leading to lower costs for customers and also maximizing profits for couriers.

  • transparency
At VOLT we offer a transparent environment. All customers and operators or suppliers benefit from the confidentiality and transparency of costs and expenses.

  • security
A secure payment system that allows two confirmed P2P companies to send and receive money stored in VOLT tokens until successful service exchanges between the parties.

  • Same day delivery
Giving VOLT on the same day will shorten delivery time to 1-5 hours, while 1-3 days will be in the existing online shopping center. Hub & Spoke is a system that collects, classifies, and then sends all the goods to be sent to their destination. This means that all packages shipped from 32nd Street to 54th Street in Manhattan, NY will be sent to Delaware for classification and returned to Manhattan. This is time consuming and also leads to huge storage costs.
To correct this inefficiency, a messenger is only near 32nd Street Collection.

How does it work?

The VOLT business model connects customers and operators, providing an ordering algorithm that utilizes large data and matching systems that use smart contracts for easy service delivery. Customers need VOLT coins to use this service.
If the delivery of food, goods, delivery distance, time required, calculate the weight of the goods will be in accordance with the number of difficulty of work. We call this work unit "Jula". For example, if the customer wants to send the goods to a point called A 2km away and you need 600 Jula, and 1200 Jula is required to send the same item to B point 6km away. VOLT will develop an optimal algorithm to calculate the scope of this work and will introduce the lowest bidding system (auction system) for some special shipments.
VOLT coins are required for service buyers to request delivery. That is, to request some performance of Jula, the appropriate VOLT coin is used. This ratio of Jula to VOLT coins is not always constant. The first Jula to VOLT coin ratio starts at 1: 1. The ratio may vary according to market price.

Token River

A customer who needs administration can buy coins from the stock market. A customer buys 100 coins for the benefit of transportation, which costs 100 coins. The customer pays 100 coins to VOLT, with VOLT forwarding the request to the dispatcher. After administration is complete, VOLT redeems 95 coins with the dispatcher. Approximately 5% (the rate can be increased according to benefits) of the coin is used as a commission for the benefit of the organization. The organization offers the earned coin purse to earn an income.
Revenue is used to maintain the organization or provide benefits to the VOLT investors, but not the coin holders. When this process runs through the cycle, the demand for coins is definitely higher than the supply of the stock market, which causes higher costs for coins. Calculation mix and current coin value, VOLT change the coin exchange rate / jula. In long-distance traffic, the coin exchange rate / jullo is raised and in this direction is ready to have a higher blow with 1 VOLT coin. In addition, Jula's estimate increases.

Plan sales of VOLT tokens

  • Total token issued: 4,000,000,000
  • total markers for sale: 2,000,000,000
  • Sale of booking: 200,000,000
  • Sales upfront: 600,000,000
  • General sales: 1,200,000,000
Exchange with other currencies is not available until the token sale is complete.


team & consultant

Philip Lee is CEO and founder of Volt Tech Ltd. He received his master's degree from UCLA. Philip has developed Fast Use - an offline online and freight forwarding company - that reduces the cost of shipping the last mile by implementing a Uber-like delivery system. Currently, VOLT (brand: Quick Quick) is the largest and last-minute shipping service provider in Korea.
Sangchun Shim (CSO)

Dr. Sangchun Shim brings 30 years of experience with KT (Korea Telecom). He is known as "Rainmaker" in KT; He has experience managing 55 affiliates from a loss of $ 42 million to a profit of $ 140 million in just 2 years. Dr. Shim also leads the successful acquisition, value increase and sale of "Kumho Rent Car". The company was acquired for $ 300 million and sold to Lotte Group in 2015. Shim received his MBA from George Washington University, majoring in MSTI (Management Science, Technology and Innovation) and a PhD from Hanyang University.

Jieun Lee is one of the founders of QuickQuick (former VOLT brand name) and current non-executive board member. He is also one of the founders of LightUp, a service that provides consumers and businesses with a communication platform for social change. Jieun has worked as an intern for international investment banks such as Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse and UBS to gain his business skills. He has a degree in economics from the University of Michigan.

Mr. Cho is the head of our VOLT sales team. He has worked with Haitai Group, Pantech, and Nokia in business and sales analysis. With his technological insights, he specializes in the distribution of technology-based industries. He completed his engineering course at Korean University.

Mr. Jae Woo Lee is co-founder and CEO of Vogo Fund Asset Management Co., a well-known private equity fund company in Korea. Before establishing Vogo in 2005, Mr. Lee Country is the CEO of Lehman Brothers Korea, where he built a large investment bank and a capital market platform. Since starting his financial career with Citibank, he has spent 35 years in various areas of finance in Hong Kong and Seoul. Mr. Lee is chairman of the Korea Personal Equity Association for several years and advises the Korean government as a member of the Financial Market Development Committee.

Reviews About Zetochain

Food retailing is profitable if the industry is at risk: demand for food continues to rise, new restaurants, supermarkets and open markets. According to Zeto (Ireland) corporate data, due to faulty storage and fraud, the global food industry loses 10 to 15 billion dollars annually. Is modern technology capable of bringing in fresh food customers and providing security to market members?

ZetoChain App Drawings traces the history of a product by scanning a barcode

IT Zeto Company offers a complicated system for secure storage, fast transportation and successful purchase of goods. In the platform base, IoT technology (Internet of Things, sensor systems) analyzes the external conditions of production, packaging, and food delivery from factory to customer table. Data is recorded in Blockchain: if the meat is thawed because the voltage drop, the producer, the retailer, and the customer will know it.

What is ZetoChain?

The developer's main idea is the constant tracking of production, packaging, transportation and food sales procedures. The ZetoChain app is designed for manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. The adaptive platform is suitable for supply chains in restaurant, retail, manufacturing, packaging and food delivery.

Figure ZetoChain searches for transport procedures, records information in blockchain

ZetoChain is based on three principles:
  • Transparency and trust. Resellers and customers can track the history of the product name from the manufacturer to the counter, all the information about the delivery date and the storage period recorded in the blockchain. This lowers the likelihood of counterfeiting, protecting the customer's health and reputation of the producer.
  • Security and storage. Hardware failure notification system, expiry date, late delivery at customs reduces manufacturer losses. The ability to know the actual dates of production, packaging, and delivery of goods to stores lowers the cost of searching and disposing of poor quality food.
  • Effectiveness and quality. Monitoring of storage conditions and operation of equipment is automatic, which reduces staff labor costs. This approach improves supply chain efficiency, setting new levels of quality in the industry.

How does ZetoChain work?

ZetoChain's work is based on intelligent contracting systems among producers, carriers, and food retailers. The IoT sensor monitors the temperature conditions in the warehouse, records the date of shipment and receipt of the shipment, sends a notification in case of technical problems and other emergency situations.


ZetoChain image transmits data about the condition of product storage through the IoT platform

According to Whitepaper, the program is tailored to the five major "links" in the supply chain:
  • Producer. ZetoChain notes the condition and storage age of raw materials in blockchain sending real-time notification when items are ready to ship. Farmers, factories, and plant owners distribute equipment loads, optimizing delivery times of shipment.
  • Transporter. The product transportation conditions are established with the help of sensors, mounted on trucks, carts or containers. The transport company arranges the delivery schedule by considering the shelf life of each product.
  • Wholesalers. The maximum storage temperature and maximum delivery time offered to warehouse owners simplifies product rotation.
  • Retailers / General restaurant owners. Monitoring the condition and storage life continues, ZetoChain sends the owner notification in case of failure.
  • Consumer. Visitors to cafes and restaurants, customers at the supermarket can scan product barcodes and get all the information about manufacturers, transporters, and wholesalers. Blockchain does not allow editing of records in the system, so all information will be reliable.

Technically, for customers, ZetoChain is like tracking packages in regular apps like "Pochta Rossii" (Russian Post) or AliExpress. Versions for manufacturers are similar to security panels: some indicators are on a computer monitor or smartphone screen.


Image ZetoChain for suppliers and manufacturers

How did the ICO of ZetoChain go?

Token sales are planned July 9, 2018 and will run until July 31, 2018. In total, 340 million ZetoCoins are planned for sale. Token issued under the ERC20 standard and offered at a price of $ 1 for 10 coins.

Tokens are distributed in the following proportions:
  • 44% ZETO will be sold during ICO.
  • 34% will be a backup for future Zeto platform development.
  • 12% token will be sold during Pre-sale (starting 30 April 2018).
  • 7.5% token is intended for the first investor of the project.
  • 2.5% ZETO will be spent on Bounty program.
According to Whitepaper, the money collected by the team will be distributed in the following ways:

* 60% will be spent on platform development and adaptation in the future.
* 30% will be used for project marketing and promotion.
* 10% will be spent on ICO and official application registration.

How will ZetoChain develop after ICO?

  • The official website and the Company's White Paper are full of schemes, business plans, and detailed assessments of market potential. This is good news for investors, that the developer application is an adaptation of existing technology to blockchain features. The Zeto Company has been working on apps for retail since 2009, and has been using cloud-based services for data storage.
  • This app is tailored to the needs of producers, consumers, and food suppliers. ZetoChain is supported by IBM, WalMart, Te-Food, and other large companies, working in the global marketplace.
  • According to Roadmap, in November 2018 API application releases for retailers and regular users are expected. In February 2019 will start the period of use of the ZetoChain trial available to everyone. A ZetoChain version tailored to decentralized data storage, will be ready in June 2019.

Figure ZetoChain for consumers: the ability to know the history of a product by scanning a barcode

For more can see the following video

for further :

author: damar
ETH: 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

LocalCoinSwap - P2P Exchange Which Has Solution and Quality


How are my friends? For me, keeping things simple is the basic principle of everything in life. That's why this LocalCoinSwap project caught my attention.
Today I will discuss about the development of Cryptocurrencies world that has been increasing significantly in recent years, with various types of Crypto, platform or application in circulation. Many ICOs will come every day now. Some with good ideas, some with useless ideas, few have great ideas. Now I want to talk about ICO with a great idea LocalCoinSwap

But the market faces many problems with the current choice of centralized and decentralized sites.
As for centralized exchanges, these sites take the main account for the exchange market in general and its consequences, centralized in the way of decentralization but there are many disadvantages to society derived from the fact that there are major parties to control and manage all of its

The sharp exchange of cryptocurrencies today is a very large monopoly, which can manipulate the price with the volume of trade they want because the lines of code that operate the site are private and at their discretion so no one has access to it to check facts except for the self site.

Your data and funds stored on such exchanges are vulnerable and can be hacked by anyone or they claim so, read here for more cases on fraudulent exchanges with merchant money claiming they were hacked. There is no guarantee that you will be reimbursed if there is such a case. However, it will take a long time that will bore you more with regard to costs.

New users are often restricted to enrolling in a centralized exchange platform for many cases, while many other sites strictly require your personal identity card or other types of documents for unnatural verification, unsafe for your good as I mentioned above and mean You are surrendering the absolute privacy and anonymity offered by cryptocurrency deals.

when demand for trading starts many server computing systems can not satisfy so many cheats as long as it loads and confirms actions will happen more often. Therefore, some teams come up with solutions to build decentralized exchanges to solve problems well.

The company that operates the site will cause you to be exposed to some fees such as transaction fees or withdrawal fees and include those fees for them. Yet this project chooses to use the opposite business model that I consider reflects the excellent core value of providing strength and benefit to those who participate in this project.

Once ICO and their platforms are deployed, LocalCoinSwap exchanges make profit from escrow fees in all currencies traded therein and at the end of it, all profits will be distributed to Crypto holders by a fair and equitable distribution they receive a proportion of earnings equal to a percentage total LCS they get.

The LCS Cryptoshare system is based on a blockchain mechanism that allows users of this system to minimize the price of its use because blockchain eliminates the need to pay unreasonable fees to third parties. This system allows all merchants to accept ownership on the platform they use. LCS applies this kind of exchange method in which revenue is distributed using smart contracts.

  • Token Symbol: LCS
  • Price: 1 LCS = 0.4 USD (1 USD = 2.5 LCS)
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Minimum investment: 0.1 ETH
  • Total Coin LCS: 100,000,000 LCS

for more information :

Author : damar
ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Rabu, 16 Mei 2018


Hello everyone today I will describe one platform that benefits all of us IMAGE PROTECT with the right content with supported blockchain.

What is IMAGE PROTECT, Image Protect is a blockchain-based enterprise and content rights platform. With that help, creators, from publishers to advertisers, can protect, manage, and monetize images and digital media in general. The platform revolves around IPShare, an embedded image ad format that gives each image an identity, making it easily trackable online. This embedded ad format will ensure attribution to authors and will appear in the right conditions that will support social engagement, safe content sharing, direct ownership authentication, licensing, and revenue generation from internet advertising. Blockchain technology, thanks to its smart contract features, will bring transparency in the history and use of image sales.


The main focus of Image Protect is in the global online digital advertising market using our IPShare ™ technology. Statista estimates the Ad market is likely to stand at more than $ 227 billion globally. This figure could rise by more than 46 percent to $ 332 billion within four years. One thing most observers are sure about is that the digital ad market will not show any signs of saturation in the future.
  • How Do Protect Pictures Work?
Image Protect wants to combine several features, such as IPShare, IPChain, IPTrack, Post Usage Licensing, and real-time image data analytics to deploy IPMarket - a blockchain-based market where users can protect their images and operate with them in a secure way. According to the company's roadmap, the latter will be launched in the first quarter of 2019. Currently, there are seven easy steps in image protection procedures supported by the company:
  • # 1 - As a user, you can upload images to the Image Protect portal;
  • # 2 - Images are automatically converted to IPShare format;
  • # 3 - The system scans the web to find out if there are any matches of your image, even the images edited through different software programs;
  • # 4 - The system filters each search result;
  • # 5 - You can review the findings and check for unauthorized use of your images. If you find some, you can click "submit a case," and the Image Protect team will initiate a settlement on your behalf;
  • # 6 - System will automatically collect evidence and will send notification to commercial offenders who use your image;
  • # 7 - The Image Protect team will collaborate with entities from a global network of legal experts to ensure you get a recovery fee.
This smart system is designed to significantly reduce the case of theft of images, which are widespread today. In fact, out of more than a trillion licensed images on the Internet, about 70% are not authorized by copyright owners, a report by Getty Images and the Artist Exchange Alliance concluded.



Token Sale & Presale Terms
Website: www.imageprotect.io
Token Symbol: IMAGE
Token Standard: Ethereum ERC-20
Maximum amount of IMAGE spent: 350,000,000
IMAGE available for sale: 203,250,000
Price IMAGE: $ 10 USD


Softcap: $ 250,000 USD
Hardcap: $ 12.5 million USD Cryptocurrency
Received: Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dash (DASH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP)


Presale start date: April 30, 2018
End date
presale: July 31, 2018 Token available with presale: 78.250.000 Presale discount
: Up to 30% IMAGE fee

Presale 1 - (April 30 - May 31, 2018): 28.5 million tokens @ 30% discount @ .07 = $ 1,995,000 Presale
2 - (June 1 - June 30, 2018): 26.250.000 token @ 20% discount @ .08 = $ 2.1 million
Presale 3 - (July 1 - July 31, 2018): 23.5 million tokens @ 10% discount @ .09 = $ 2,115,000


Token sale start date: August 1, 2018
Token sale end date: October 31, 2018
Tokens available with public sale: 125,000,000 @ .10
  • roadmap
  • TEAM

Lawrence Adams 
Chief Executive Officer 

Shauna Banks 
Chief Operating Officer, founder

Matthew Goldman 
Chief Strategy Officer, founder

Reed Gesteland 
Chief Technology Officer 

Jonathan Thomas 

Federico Steinmann 
Chief Financial Officer 

Ben Arnon 
Cryptoassets / Investor & Advisor Blockchain 

Bryan Lemster 
 Owner, Halcyon Innovation and Blockchain Advisor

Eyo Ekpo 
Crypto Investor, Blockchain Advisor, and Innovation Fans

Vinicius Teranova 
Crypto Investor 

Andrey Gubar
Head of the blockchain developer

Dmitry Gladush
Senior Software Developer

Alex Mokhonko
Backend Software Developer

Max Shmaliy
Backend Software Developer

Eugeny Panasenko
Backend / Frontend Software Developers

Alex Lysak
Backend / Frontend Software Developers

Olga Bondarenko
Frontend Software Developer

Piotr Damek
Database Admin

Selasa, 15 Mei 2018



Ease of use and superior functionality make Hash Card a must-have card for anyone who regularly spends money in foreign currency. This is not just for holders of Ether or Bitcoin. Hash Card is a card that really works in everyday world. Many previous attempts have been made to create bitcoin cards that offer decentralized banks, instant conversions, and reliable exchange rates. Until Hash Card, this has not been achieved despite millions of dollars poured into the concept.
Physical Hash cards can be used wherever credit / debit cards are accepted. It works online and in a brick and mortar room. It's like a regular credit / debit card with a major difference that keeps users spending Ether, Bitcoin, and 25+ other altcoins.

Real-time transactions happen every time a card is swiped. Only exact amounts are spent with Hash Card exchanged from ETH / BTC / Altcoin. Remaining cardholder funds remain in
their safe wallet.

Ability to exchange money with an appropriate interbank exchange rate using the Hash Card Application.

Peace of mind knowing users enjoy the right interbank rates whenever spent on their CardFREE Hash and real-time funds transfer between Hash Card Application users.

Direct funds are available at Hash Card recipients.

The beta test of the Hash card & wallet is almost complete

The hash card is limited to the first 3000 subscribers. Distribution will be done every two weeks in one batch.
allowing Hash Card to be launched during the sale of a public token.


To register, Hash Card customers must visit hashcard.io and complete a very simple 3 minute process, including KYC remotely. Once this is done, Hash Card will be issued and distributed free to the customer.
Physical cards can be used in over 30 million merchants worldwide. It can be used both online and in bricks and mortar for offline purchases. Appropriate Interbank Interest Rate is guaranteed when using Hash Card. No cost or
Additional markup means that, in real terms, cardholders receive savings of up to 7% when compared to high street banks. Hash Card accounts can be directly funded, at no cost, with Ether and Bitcoin. Starting Q4, 2018, Fiat funding will also be available to load Hash Card. Using a Hash Card to fund the purchase is easy. Through HashApp you can see the balance of ETH / BTC / ETC / USD in your wallet. The only exchange is the exact number of cryptocurrency required for the purchase currency exchange. There is also an option to exchange cryptocurrency into USD and keep
card balance in USD. This is an ideal choice for anyone who feels the market is fickle. Access to the appropriate interbank exchange is free and there is no monthly or annual fee for using a Hash Card. The only cost is the cost of 1.75% for all
transactions (swipe and exchange) ETH / BTC and 2% ATM withdrawal fees. The first 3000 customers will benefit from a 0.5% fixed cost reduction.

Example - Purchase funded by ETH with Hash Card

Mary, a day trader closes her XRP / ETH spot to enjoy 12 ETH profits. Mary immediately transferred 5ETH to her Hash Card and booked into her favorite luxury spa in Paris. He did not have to wait for the exchange to send a traditional wire / SEPA transfer. The funds were immediately available for use on his Hash Card

Example - BTC-funded purchase with Hash Card Example

Luke is new to all things crypto but wants to learn, so try signing up for a bitcoin workshop in London. Although this is a crypto workshop, the organizers will not accept BTC as a method of payment. Luckily Luke has a Hash Card so he does

send 0.1 BTC to the card and register online.

For more questions, please visit :

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hashcard.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hashcard

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hashcard/

Telegram: https://t.me/hashcard

Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3336703

Bounty Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3333922

AUTOR : damar

profilelink : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1764605

ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Dating With Benefits

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