Kamis, 29 Maret 2018



Yoritex with SimcoePay ™ developed and developed makes cryptocurrency exchanges should be done at the best possible level, and enables modern and convenient alternative banking solutions for both EU and non-residents, for cryptocurrency users and adherents of the traditional monetary system.

Over the centuries, technological advances have become an important force in financial transformation. Innovations in the financial sector have a long history from the development of double-entry bookkeeping, to the establishment of modern central banks and payment systems, and the introduction of complex asset markets and newer retail finance products.


Change has accelerated in the new millennium. New payment tools have emerged (such as digital wallets), and new service providers have entered the market for financial services (including internet, retail and telecommunications companies). Recent years have seen increased automation, specialization, and decentralization, while financial firms have found more efficient and sophisticated ways to leverage large amounts of consumer and corporate data.
Mobile and internet access has been transformational, enabling the acquisition of technological advancements to be shared directly with the billions of individual consumers whose mobile device is now a portal to access a full range of financial services, and can be extended by third parties via the Application Programming Interface (Bee). This massive decentralization opens the door to direct people-to-people transactions (P2P), and to corporate funding (crowdfunding). This has profound implications as well for financial inclusion by allowing consumers "no bank accounts" in low-income countries to access financial services for the first time.

This innovation is complementary, driving rapid change. FinTech innovations are typically overlapping and mutually reinforcing.
  • SimcoePay ™ Online Banking

SimcoePay ™ Online Banking combines modern banking features, IOT, Big Data and Blockchain based technologies while also meeting security and UX requirements.
With Sim SIMePay ™ SIM Account you can make and receive payments instantly. Having an account allows you to centralize incoming and outgoing payments, which makes reconciliation easier. You spend less time in the manual process and the operating costs of the bank account itself are reduced.
SimcoePay ™ Online Banking is a bank without any hassle. In general, your business can set up an account with a few simple clicks. You do not need a clear time in your schedule to visit the bank office, no documents to sign.
With SimcoePay ™ Online Banking you get secure infrastructure for secure transactions, arranged in the same way as a normal bank. The same EU rules and regulations apply, so your funds are safe.
SimcoePay ™ Online Banking works with several banking networks simultaneously which means you have many banks working for you in one.

Looking at the market from this new perspective, SimcoePay ™ Online Banking recognizes the need for a simpler way of doing business in Europe. If you are a global exporter who does not yet have the volume to set up a subsidiary to meet the requirements for opening a traditional bank account, you must rely on wire transfers from your importer. That means delays and steep fees of 3% to 6% per transaction. With SimcoePay ™ Online Banking IBAN account you can receive payments in the EU, without any hassle or cost.


SimcoePay ™ Online Banking offers you a SIM Current Account that provides the exact services you need from a bank account. No expensive unnecessary services, complicated apps or complicated compliance processes.
SimcoePay ™ Online Banking is the perfect solution for your international business.


The SimcoePay ™ P2P loan platform is an intermediary platform that connects borrowers with investors by offering safe and transparent investment opportunities.
Earn up to 24% per year with a diverse portfolio of consumer loans or borrow money when you need it.
  • YRX Tokensale Breakdown

  • Details of ICO

Why is it feasible to support this project:

The Yoritex team, of course, all employees work for the company's best interests and are always on hand to help in any way. They are always in touch and not forgetting. Indeed, at the present moment, when we talk about the ICO project, this fact is very important.
All the prototypes created by the Yoritex development team are available to the public, now you can familiarize yourself with and try this system.

Yoritex participated in every possible crypto, blocked the forum, concluded a serious contract.

For more information, please visit:

AUTOR  : damar

ETH :  0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

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