Kamis, 29 Maret 2018


LENDIUM TECH - The New Era of Private Banking

what is lendium.tech?

Lendium.tech is a decentralized independent financial system that allows owners to earn money through our lending system. This new lending project uses blockchain technology to benefit the lender. The main difference with other lending projects, is that Lendium.tech uses the Trade Bot in combination with the Expert Traders Team, which trades with many crypto currencies, including new altcoins on various exchanges. This allows us to offer high returns in bullish or bearish trends using margin trading. You will be able to get information about the cryptocurrency we invested in our service called Market Plus Plan. Also, our traders are investing in carefully selected ICOs to generate greater profitability and redistribute benefits among our communities.
Lendium.tech is much more than just a simple borrowing bot. We are professional traders, and we want you to take part of our daily profits.


We use the new generation Trading Bot combined with the Professional Merchant Team to generate daily interest in the lending program.

Daily percentages may vary depending on the manual trade conducted by our Trade Team. So we can achieve interest up to 5% in one day for our clients.


We believe in this project and we work hard every day to achieve long-term sustainability, our main mission is our customer satisfaction. We have sacrificed some of our profits to be able to offer greater interest in our lending program, which is why we offer the best conditions of the loan market. All this together with the professionalism and experience of our team, making Lendium the best bet.

  • loan process

  • Token
Name: Lendium
Symbol: LEM
Algorithm: ERC20 Decimal
: 18
Total Supply: 30,000,000 LEM
ICO Supply: 8,100,000 LEM
Currency received: BTC, ETH and LTC

  • ICO: 8,100,000
  • Loan Reserve: 16,400,000
  • Referrals and Bounty: 2,000,000
  • Operation: 2,000,000
  • LEM Competition: 1,000,000
  • Team: 500,000
  • Ad: 35%
  • Development: 25%
  • Loan Reserve: 20%
  • Law: 10%
  • Initial Investor: 5%
  • Team: 5%
Hasil gambar untuk lendium.bounty

You will be able to exchange coins to BTC or ETH on their internal exchange

Lendium will be listed on the external exchanges below
  • CoinExchange.io
  • CoinHouse.eu
  • Cryptopia.co.nz
  • YoBit.net

For more information, please visit:

AUTOR :damar
profilelink: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1764605
ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E



Yoritex with SimcoePay ™ developed and developed makes cryptocurrency exchanges should be done at the best possible level, and enables modern and convenient alternative banking solutions for both EU and non-residents, for cryptocurrency users and adherents of the traditional monetary system.

Over the centuries, technological advances have become an important force in financial transformation. Innovations in the financial sector have a long history from the development of double-entry bookkeeping, to the establishment of modern central banks and payment systems, and the introduction of complex asset markets and newer retail finance products.


Change has accelerated in the new millennium. New payment tools have emerged (such as digital wallets), and new service providers have entered the market for financial services (including internet, retail and telecommunications companies). Recent years have seen increased automation, specialization, and decentralization, while financial firms have found more efficient and sophisticated ways to leverage large amounts of consumer and corporate data.
Mobile and internet access has been transformational, enabling the acquisition of technological advancements to be shared directly with the billions of individual consumers whose mobile device is now a portal to access a full range of financial services, and can be extended by third parties via the Application Programming Interface (Bee). This massive decentralization opens the door to direct people-to-people transactions (P2P), and to corporate funding (crowdfunding). This has profound implications as well for financial inclusion by allowing consumers "no bank accounts" in low-income countries to access financial services for the first time.

This innovation is complementary, driving rapid change. FinTech innovations are typically overlapping and mutually reinforcing.
  • SimcoePay ™ Online Banking

SimcoePay ™ Online Banking combines modern banking features, IOT, Big Data and Blockchain based technologies while also meeting security and UX requirements.
With Sim SIMePay ™ SIM Account you can make and receive payments instantly. Having an account allows you to centralize incoming and outgoing payments, which makes reconciliation easier. You spend less time in the manual process and the operating costs of the bank account itself are reduced.
SimcoePay ™ Online Banking is a bank without any hassle. In general, your business can set up an account with a few simple clicks. You do not need a clear time in your schedule to visit the bank office, no documents to sign.
With SimcoePay ™ Online Banking you get secure infrastructure for secure transactions, arranged in the same way as a normal bank. The same EU rules and regulations apply, so your funds are safe.
SimcoePay ™ Online Banking works with several banking networks simultaneously which means you have many banks working for you in one.

Looking at the market from this new perspective, SimcoePay ™ Online Banking recognizes the need for a simpler way of doing business in Europe. If you are a global exporter who does not yet have the volume to set up a subsidiary to meet the requirements for opening a traditional bank account, you must rely on wire transfers from your importer. That means delays and steep fees of 3% to 6% per transaction. With SimcoePay ™ Online Banking IBAN account you can receive payments in the EU, without any hassle or cost.


SimcoePay ™ Online Banking offers you a SIM Current Account that provides the exact services you need from a bank account. No expensive unnecessary services, complicated apps or complicated compliance processes.
SimcoePay ™ Online Banking is the perfect solution for your international business.


The SimcoePay ™ P2P loan platform is an intermediary platform that connects borrowers with investors by offering safe and transparent investment opportunities.
Earn up to 24% per year with a diverse portfolio of consumer loans or borrow money when you need it.
  • YRX Tokensale Breakdown

  • Details of ICO

Why is it feasible to support this project:

The Yoritex team, of course, all employees work for the company's best interests and are always on hand to help in any way. They are always in touch and not forgetting. Indeed, at the present moment, when we talk about the ICO project, this fact is very important.
All the prototypes created by the Yoritex development team are available to the public, now you can familiarize yourself with and try this system.

Yoritex participated in every possible crypto, blocked the forum, concluded a serious contract.

For more information, please visit:

AUTOR  : damar

ETH :  0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018


Globcoin - personal web shopping cart for currency transactions.


GLOBCOIN is a digital coin that marries the best aspects of the current crypto currency with the best aspects of the currency of the currency. The value of the coin (GLX) is associated with a basket of currencies in 15 countries of the world economy and 5% of Gold. Its value reflects the global economy, including new components and trends, such as fast developing countries such as China or India, while maintaining a well-balanced currency. Western Economy In 2013, a team based in Switzerland and the UK, the GRC brand "Global Reserve Curency" has been offered to large corporations and individuals with high levels of equity.

Globcoin Crypto Platform (GCP), created and maintained by RCS, will enable the use of symbols that are legally symbolized. The selected basket will target a specific community, both geographic and life-oriented.
The GCP project includes compatible blocking technologies, structures and structures. The project will be financed by issuing tokens based on the Ethereal block chain. The token owner will be rewarded thanks to the growth and success of the platform.
RCS, based in Zug, the valley "Crypto Switzerland" along with its subsidiaries Globcoin Ltd and Optiminvest Geneva, for many years appreciated innovative currency solutions for customers around the world. RCS is a company that specializes in the study of currency reserves, which was established in 2012 and has since then advised clients on the optimal allocation of currency. He also created the Global Reserve Currency Index as the best tool to reflect the global economy.

  • GCP
Globcoin Crypto platform (GCP) is a token used to access the GLX platform.
Globcoin Crypto Platform (GCP) lets holders claim proportional rewards for transactional costs accumulated on the GLX platform.
The more people use this platform, the more compensation will be paid, which will ultimately lead to a reduction in the cost of tokens.
There are a number of Globcoin (GCP) cryptography platforms.
  • Benefits of Globcoin

The best of both worlds
Digital currencies combine the benefits of Blockchain technology with the stability of a set of "traditional currency".
100% supported tokens 1-to-1 are stored in transparent and audited reserves.
Risk management
Lock the value of your crypto portfolio and protect it from withdrawal and volatility
The neutrality of the currency
Neutral currency means the ideal payment for P2P transfers
The talented team
The team combines FX and blockchain experiences, successful entrepreneurship
Strong partnership
Partnerships with trusted exchanges and banks

  • GLOBCOIN Mobile Platform Services
This platform can be accessed online or through apps, offering a combination of payments and multi-currency savings. GLOBCOIN simplifies life, makes it cheaper and gives you full control when it comes to managing your foreign currency exposure.
In the word GLOBCOIN means the re-creation of global access to coins. Think of it as your personal financial assistant, bank or foreign exchange agent, all in one. You can save your money in your bank account, in your wallet, travel card, etc. Convert it to other cryptomonniques, pay, collect payments, withdraw money and buy goods online.
GLOBCOIN gives you cutting edge technology and all the easy-to-use applications for all types of clients - expatriates, travelers, students, and breeding "global nomads".
It's the perfect solution for anyone interested in saving on the go or sending money abroad. GLOBCOIN represents the future of Forex, by placing global market forces within the reach of cardholders. We plan to add GLX as the currency available on the card. We add new clients every day, without incurring huge advertising costs, especially by word of mouth.

  • Sell Token and ICO

Funds obtained from Token Sale will be allocated for platform development, product launches, marketing and PR, customer acquisition programs, and partners.
They will also fund GLOBCOIN's operations over the next two years including administration and legal costs, operations, administration, PR and marketing. In the same way, it enables us to recruit the best talents in each specialization to achieve the ambitious goals we expect for GLOBCOIN®.
Symbol: GCP
Sales period: from 13 January 2012 to 31 January 2012
Price: 100GCP = 1ETH
Minimum quantity of ETH to collect: 5,000 ETH
Maximum number of ETH to collect: 150,000 ETH
Minimum Contribution: 0.1 ETH

  • Roadmap

  • Keys to Success

The following factors should lead to widespread adoption, real-world use, and significant economic value for GLOBCOIN:
1. Innovative product: GLOBCOIN has been at the cutting edge of the currency management industry, providing innovative currency solutions to global investors. It is backed by real asset with unlimited supply that enables sustainability. Fair quotation and almost 0 spread make it a better means of exchange P2P payments like Venmo, PayPal and Square Cash which allows users to send one another from their mobile devices via a linked debit card but it is in one currency. Enabling P2P payments to be currency neutral ?? is a big step forward in this growing industry.
2. Successful track record: GLOBCOIN first currency basket, GLX, has a transparent rule book and has long-lasting client relationships based on trust.
3. Highly motivated target demographic: People who wish to align their economic and look for substitute of home currency to hedge devaluing risk. This includes trying new products and technologies that may be more expensive, inconvenient, or difficult to understand at the first place.
4. Dual strategy for marketing and adoption: GCP and GLX will be introduced to the individual and exchanges.

  • TEAM

Helie d'Hautefort

CEO and founder

Helie created the first manager to apply the European currency, sold it to BNP Paribas AM and turned it into a world leader with more than A $ 23 billion. Before he was responsible for managing currency hedging in Peugeot Group. Previously, he managed a portfolio of currency options in various departments of foreign exchange banks. Heli graduated from HEC.

Gaspard d'Hautefeuille

Main Developers

Gaspar graduated from the École Européenne des Métiers de l'Internet in Paris and from the beginning he led the full development of the Globcoin pile: system engineering, database management, backend, API, MVC, frontend, Kanban methodology. He is an open source supporter, cypherpunk, chess player and amateur marion skater.

Arno Breavoine

Web, Designer UX / IX

After graduating from Art College, Arno specializes as art director of a major public relations agency working in the main account. Since 2011, the focus is on web and UX design. In 2017, he founded tomagop, a start that incorporates modern technology to find searches on the Internet.

Kevin Falhon

Head of Video Production

Kevin Falhon is a London-based film director, specializing in branding strategies and producing pre-booked digital and corporate video content for various clients in areas including finance, construction, finance, media and education. She is currently working on several UK projects: Creative Producer at Groupe INSEEC London, Head of Video Production at Ztudium, a consulting firm specializing in developing strategies for digital and social media for corporate clients such as Samsung Benelux and MasterCard, and filmmakers for Startup Factory, where it provides coverage of launch events and internal and client content from start to finish. Kevin previously worked as an editor for Shine France for The Voice and Masterchef.

Giuseppe Ballci


Dr. Giuseppe Ballocchi, CFA, is a consultant specializing in overlay strategies. Dr. Ballocchi is a member of the Board of Governors of the CFA Institute, where he leads the Audit and Risk Committee. He also attended the University of Lausanne and worked as a foreign exchange consultant in microfinance funds. Dr. Balcocke leads financial and risk engineering analysis at Pictet & Cie, the principal investment manager at Olsen Ltd, a fixed income manager at the Asian Development Bank in Manila and high-energy physics at CERN. Dr. Balcocke is the former president of the Swiss CFA Society. Dr. Balcocky has a Physics degree from the University of Bologna (Italy), MBA from Open University (UK) and Ph.D. degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Rochester (USA).

Bertrand Weisgerber


Bertrand began his career in banking, moving to IT, where he actively participated in large companies (SESA-Cap Gemini, Axime-ATOS), and then started his own investment company dedicated to the adoption of new technologies in the traditional sector (wages, logistics, vertical application). Bertrand also manages TLS Contact, a world leader in visa centers that is present in more than 62 countries (15 in China), which he created in 2007. Bertrand graduated from ESSEC in Paris.

Xavier de Villoutreys

Senior portfolio managers and merchants

Xavier holds a master's degree in science and risk from EDHEC, France. He is our portfolio manager and senior trader for GRCI, and he holds this position from 2013, honing his skills in leading the currency risk management company. He is also Deputy General Manager of B-Sharpe. Xavier is in Switzerland.

Jean Marc Senhor

Trust and reputation

Dr. Jean-Marc (JM) Senior has published over 100 scientific papers on computer trust and online reputation management at the international level. With a science candidate. in computer science from Trinity College, Dublin, 2005, JM manages several IT projects in IT at the University of Geneva. In 2016, he was awarded the Google Award for leading research at the Academy. He advises leading companies with blue chips, including Philips, Amazon, Thales, and Swissquote. Since 2016, JM began using online reputation management in the fintech world as a member of the ITU standardization group for trust, use of block diagrams and digital currencies, including digital currencies. He is a team member with successful Monetha ICO, which collects about 36 million US dollars for 18 minutes on August 31, 2017.

For more information on the Globcoin project, you can visit the following:

ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018



Elementh is a block chain for e-commerce to write a list of titles for goods with the power of that particular smart contract and the use of nomenclature standards for decentralized and centralized applications for e-commerce as soon as possible. Elementh has absorbed the best achievements of the new year in the chain block, which has a goal to solve the problems of the modern e-commerce world.

Elementh is a block chain for e-commerce to write a list of titles for goods with the power of that particular smart contract and the use of nomenclature standards for decentralized and centralized applications for e-commerce as soon as possible.

Elementh has absorbed the best achievements of the new year in blockchain, aimed at solving the problems of the modern e-commerce world. Elementh is a blockchain for e-commerce that will write a list of ownership of goods with the power to sign a special smart contract and use nomenclature standards for decentralized and centralized e-commerce applications as soon as possible.

  • Nomenclature of Uniform Goods
One of the main features of Elementh is the availability of a single nomenclature. To make the object map as accurate and accurate as possible, and to reduce the chances of making duplicate cards, the cost of making and using cards will be different. To make commodity cards, participants must pay, for example, 1 EEE (the price will be determined by choosing a delegate). When the owner adds items to the system, he is required to use an existing card or create a new one. The use of existing maps is 100 times smaller than the new one (e.g., 0.01 EEE). The cardholder receives a gift for each owner using his business card, and also makes transactions using this card. Each system participant can fill in the information in the existing card,

  • Originality of goods\

The system elements are in the same copy, and if elements with the same serial number are added to the system, each dApp can notify the buyer that the origin of the element is unknown. If the ownership chain belongs to the manufacturer, the authenticity of the goods will be done across the network

The goal of ELEMENTH is to create alternative protocols for the development of distributed applications used by e-commerce, the ability to guarantee ownership of certain products and to conclude intellectual contracts, providing quality standards for specific nomenclature for e-commerce. Elementh completed this by making Turing complete in the built-in programming language group, each of which can write smart distributed contracts with the app, allowing the use of integrated products, e-commerce transactions, and proprietary transfers.

  • Product System
Thanks to the Elementh token system, such as a certain merchandise track for the original owner of the original creation, can be used in many applications, tracking and detecting counterfeit goods. Unlike the token system, the system also provides the ability to bypass all data items that can (name, manufacturer, barcode, etc.). Certain products for certain address display "issues". Also, if the same element already exists in the block chain, the publisher receives a message about it, it will have a chance to see how your product wants

If an item has a serial number, you can select when to start the transfer operation. Only people who know the initial hash number of the serial number specified in the system, therefore have the ability to conduct a valid transaction to provide protection against forged data. If, when the "released product" is created, the serial number is not used, the RFID tags or other simple recording methods.

Naming of Uniform Goods
Every manufacturer, distributor or supplier of the world has its own data format for this element, more importantly, its own nomenclature. The numbers are huge and growing every day. For example, let's look at Google search results. Shop "iphone 7 256 gigabyte red":

As you can see, another store has a different name of the iphone, another color of the iPhone 7 256 GB. As it should be. The obvious solution to this problem is integrated, where you can show product offerings that are interested in one card or product to select suppliers so that the users are very useful to them. This is the creation of naming elements.

One of ELEMENTH's key features is the availability of a single nomenclature. The cost of making and using the card will be different to ensure that the merchandise is as accurate as possible with the card, and to reduce the likelihood of duplicate cards being made. To make commodity cards, participants must pay, for example, 1 EEE (the price is determined by choosing agent).

When the owner adds items to the system, he suggests using an existing card or creating a new one. The use of existing maps is 100 times smaller than the new one (e.g., 0.01 EEE). Receive a reward for all owners using the card, and make transactions using this card. Each system participant can fill in the information on the card, and the cardholder can accept or reject the proposed changes.

According to the protocol protocol DPO
distributing CSW autonomous companies, decentralization affects all shareholders of 51% of shareholders will be recovered. This means you need it. The task is to achieve 51% of threshold transactions in a timely and efficient manner.


The Elementh project has evolved from the miiix.org product, which has been developed since 2012. When we discovered that Miiix is a fully operating business in Russia that has investments from SVBV and SAP Hybris and more than 200 online stores and small and medium-sized markets.

To achieve this goal, all shareholders can delegate the right to choose a delegate. 100, the largest delegate of the number of votes that can make a schedule. Each delegate is given a period of time from the production unit. If you do not generate a block, the command is skipped, and the next delegate generates a list of matching blocks. All delegates receive a 10% payment of the average commission fee. If the central unit contains 100 shares, the mandate will receive 1 part as payment.

The possibility of network latency may cause some delegates unable to create their own blocks at the right time, this will cause troubleshooting block circuits. But in practice, this is not possible, because delegates can establish direct contact with other delegates before continuing the chain. In this model, the new unit can not be divided into block chains produced every 10-30 seconds, under normal organizational conditions or repaired within minutes.

ICO tokens and information: EEE,
supply total standard ERC-20: 303 million EEE
token distribution:
217 500 000 (71.78%) EEE - buyer
45 million (14.85%) EEE - Team
40.500.000 13.37%) Widest partner and consultant
pre-sale personal pre-sale
private start date: 15 November 00:00 2018 UTC
fiz. final end date: 31 January 2018 23:49 UTC
personal pre-sale: - used personal selling hard Cap: 1500 ETH
Second Private selling price: 1 EEE = 0,0001 ETH
Private prefix bonus: 50% of tokens

start using date -ico ico: February 1, 2018 00: 00 UTC
ICO finish date: 14 February 2018 23:39 UTC
until soft cover ICO: -
Second arm rigid ICO cover: 1500 ETH minus second hand
ICO sale price pre-order step 1 EEE = 0,0001 ETH
both ICO bonus schemes: Day 1: sign 30% Day 2: 15% mark


ICO start date: March 1, 2018 00
: 00 UTC ICO end Date: March 31, 2018 23: 59
ICO Light: 10 000
hard cover ICO: 30 000
Price of ICO ETH: 1 width 0,0002 =
ETH ICO Bonus: Day 1: 30% tokens, Day 2: 15% of tokens
  • roadmap

  • TEAM

For more information and to start a social network Debit elements now, follow some resources for the following links:

Website: https://elementh.io/
Whitepaper: https://github.com/ElementhFoundation/Documentation/blob/master/ElementhWhitepaperEN.md
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Elementh-1371154296341075/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ahooleeman
Telegram: https://t.me/elementh_community

Autor : damar
ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Rabu, 21 Maret 2018


DATAREUM (Decentralized Markets for Data)


Quantifying the true value of the data has never been an easy task and although there is disagreement in this case, one thing is certain is that the data is valuable.
Like every other thing that has value, data can be traded (bought and sold) and is being done by an entity known as a data broker. These data brokers collect and store personal information about consumers and then sell them to organizations that need data. This is usually done behind the scenes, without the knowledge of consumers.

The data brokerage market is said to be a $ 200 billion industry and there has been a projection that data will be the most valuable resource on earth by 2022.


Datareum, built on the Ethereal blockade, is a decentralized market under construction that allows individuals to monetize their personal data. This personal data can then be sold to academic researchers, market researchers, and other related parties.

So many people provide their data for free to data and social media brokers, thus making them rich as well as giving them access to all forms of Data such as financial, academic, personal / individual, social, and more.
Many people provide data that can change the world, data that can improve the lives of certain people, data that can help in various sectors. The data we release is not in our control anymore. This can be very dangerous because the data is used for corporate profits.

what is datareum?

Datareum, built on the Ethereal blockade, is a decentralized market under construction that allows individuals to monetize their personal data. This personal data can then be sold to academic researchers, market researchers, and other related parties.

why datareum?

  • With Datareum, it is believed that a fair and transparent data market can be created in a world where people have full control over their data.
  • Since it is built on blocks, decentralized properties make the database less vulnerable to attack compared to existing centralized alternatives such as Equifax.
  • The intelligent contract architecture known as the Data Market, affirms or denies the legitimacy of the data entered and determines whether it was sent or rejected.
  • Customer (Data Provider) is priced, with a DTN token, to provide data. Because they can choose what data to share, it means the customer is now responsible for the data.
  • Payments are made to the data provider as soon as the smart contract is executed. Payments are made at DTN and these may be traded on the exchange or used on the Datareum platform.
  • Data Applicants can get the exact data they need by creating a survey tailored to their needs rather than buying from a data broker and having to dump most of the irrelevant data. This means the data can be said to be of high quality
  • Data applicants can be sure of getting reliable and ethically sourced data for their convenience.

  • Token purse 
This will provide the Data Provider and Data Requester the ability to send and receive DTN to / from a private ERC-20 exchanger or purse.

  • My dataVault
This is where all the information the Data Provider wants to share is stored and managed. Decisions like who can share data with and who should sell it can also be arranged here.

  • market for goods and services
Data Provider and Applicant may offer goods and services in place of DTN. This will be done entirely on the platform eventually but in the early stages, DTN will be exchanged for vouchers which can then be taken from the platform to complete the purchase.

  • Easy Earnings For Early Adoption
A certain percentage (15%) Token distribution has been set aside to reward early users and supporters. All you have to do is connect your social media and refer your friends.

Distribution & Usage Tokens

Our sales mob will be audited so it can be stored in escrow and returned to buyer if softcap is not reached.

Requests for DTN tokens are required for liquid market creation. This market is a market market and a market of goods and services.
The sales crowd will be audited twice with all tokens stored in escrow and returned to the buyer if the soft cap is not reached. Pre-ICO starts on April 28, 2018, 12 noon UTC

The Roadmap

Nov 2017 - Research and Concept Development
Mar 2018 - Completion of Alpha Survey System
Apr 2018  - DTN Pre-Sale
May 2018 - Public sale whitelist
Jun 2018 - DTN Public sale
Jul 2018 - Token issued after KYC
Aug 2018 -Tokens Listed in Exchanges
Q4 2018 - Completion of Smart contract payment and data exchanges sevices
Q4 2018 - Wallet system
Q1 2019 - Lounch of Provider and Requester web portals
Q1 2019 - Launch of IOS and Android app both providers and Requester
Q3 2019 - Continue strategic acquisitions and invesments to support the adotion and growth of Bitcoin, Blockchain, ann Fintech globally
Q4 2019 - Launch of Data Marketplace
Q1 2020 - E-commerce platform to list products from requesters, payable in DTN
Q2 2020 - Launch marketing campaign accros Europe and United States
Q3 2020 - Launch Marketing campaign in Asia


For Further Information Follow Us Here:

Website: https://www.datareum.net/
Whitepaper: https://www.datareum.net/whitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php
Twitter: https://twitter.com/datareum
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/datareum

Telegram: https://t.me/datareum

AUTOR : damar
profilelink : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1764605
ETH : 0xC020707CB64a02B77f47787C6C9Ca2Fdf127c12E

Senin, 19 Maret 2018

Ceyron Token

Ceyron Token

Hasil gambar untuk Ceyron

The 2008 financial crisis has caused worldwide confidence that there is no longer a financial system that will not be affected by the crisis. Especially after the bankruptcy of financial institutions such as the United States giants Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns. This resulted in the need for decentralization and crypto in the world of financing. So, that is, the cryptocurrency market is beginning to emerge with the need to have a decentralized financial system, it will not go wrong.

Crypto used for decentralized transactions containing certain values. This cryptocurrency exchange market has begun to grow and now has a value of over 500 Billion dollars. All cryptocurrencies are produced and exchanged with the ever-growing blockchain technology.

At this point www.ceyron.io presents a special service where Blockchain's advanced revolutionary financing and technology experience to work together.

  • what is ceyron and how it works
Ceyron is a crypto-based investment platform that has the ability to exchange and deposit credit cards. In addition to all this, Ceyron offers cryptocurrencies supported by guaranteed loans. Ceyron's main goal is to disrupt and improve the banking world that has a very difficult shortage to solve in distribution security, to revise it with crypto-crypto.

Investment objectives and strategies

The investment objective of the IMF is to provide attractive returns on invested capital through an exclusive quantitative approach to underwriting credit assets, granted by Colombus Investment Management Ltd. The fund will follow the investment strategy based on science data. Nonparametric statistical models are applied to the expected profit problem in financial investment.

The net profit earned by the Fund in a given month is usually reinvested, but some of the periodic potential benefits may be used to distribute the annual dividend to the holders of the CEY tokens, whereby the dividends are approved by the board of directors and shareholders of the CFL shareholders.
Tokens are protected by the loan portfolio because of less volatility and cash flow

The portfolio of credit assets will also be secured with guarantees to improve stability and yield. Fund managers will use intelligence and learning to build secure loan portfolios.

News about Ceyron offers in the crypto world that can be summarized with this;

CEY Token: 

It brings many benefits to those who have it. But that does not mean there is a relationship with the company.

The Fund: Company earnings will be realized with sales of CEY tokenes, by the end of 2018.

Administration of such funds: The funds will be directed by the administration of a fund called Columbus Investment Management.

Investment Objectives and Strategy: All strategies and objectives for requesting more investments are made by the administration of the Fund.

The CEY mark is supported by the loan portfolio to lower volatility and provide more cash flow: the CEY Token will be less stable as secure credit action is supported.

Blockchain technology offers an effective solution for investors: Ceyron aims to use Blockchain, charging less in transactions to provide better service to its customers.

Prepaid debit card is effective: Ceyron will provide a debit card that will be accepted anywhere in the world and will facilitate payment with cryptocurrency for plastic cards. It will be a revolutionary novelty that crypto to be chosen by the title of the card will have the power to pay at any payment terminals. The CeyCard will be a physical, virtual, and MasterCard debit card with mobile apps containing 20 different foreign currencies that are allowed to be used.


ICO CEYRON, Token and Team CEY

Ceyron ICO was held at Saint Vincent by & the Grenadines. Cey Token sales during ICO will be conducted on the platform www.ceyron.io.

Token Cey is a digital cryptocurrency based on ethereum with Cey symbol. The value of Cey is 1 dollar.


The distinguished Ceyron Team consists of 18 well-known individuals in the field of their branches. Now all together they work together for the success of the Ceyron project. Here is more information about the equipment;


On the next page you will find the most comprehensive information about the CEYRON project.